Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Silvana Imam’s harsh criticism of the Grammy – Expressen

She was Artist of the Year and chose to keep his acceptance speech in Arabic and Lithuanian.

Now directed Silvana Imam criticized the whiteness of the Grammy.

– Look out, it’s just white people here, she says.

it was the likes of Amazon, Miriam Briant, Seinabo Sey and Zara Larsson. But it was Silvana Imam who drew the longest straw and was Artist of the Year at the Grammy Awards was held at Cirkus in Stockholm.

READ MORE: Here are the winners of the Grammy Awards

Silvana Imam chose to keep his acceptance speech in Arabic and Lithuanian.

– There are very many Arabs who come here from Syria, my family has taken refugee boat to Denmark and it is the people I speak to. They are here with me tonight. For I only care about them really.

What does this award mean to you?

– It feels great to win it. It is a recognition and a beginning of something very good for me. That means I’ve touched people, that’s what it means.

Seinabo Sey finished with manifestation

Grammy Awards ended by Seinabo Sey, who sang the song “Hard Time”. And there was no default behavior Seinabo Sey offered.

The singer took namely the 100 black women on stage who was standing next to her when she sang the song.

READ MORE: Seinabo Seys powerful protest Grammy

the number ended with everyone on stage stood and held hands as the music faded out.

Silvana Imam is taken of the performance.

– Great, wow. Wow!

Silvana Imam: “It is only white people here”

At the same time directed Silvana Imam criticized the whiteness of the Grammy.

– Look out, it’s only white people here. It is not people of color. I mean there are not so many racialized in the audience. It is well time for the Grammy and the people controlling it, she says:

– This is also why I spoke in Arabic and Lithuanian. It is time to reach out to other people too.

Lisa Cronstedt, Marketing Director of IFPI, which stands behind the Grammy, choose not to take up artists criticism. Instead, she lets health “No comments”.

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