Monday, March 23, 2015

Hägred: The replica should TV3 cut off – Expressen

Self, I grew up with my dad Bosse Parnevik and his imitated old men.

When the son Jesper let the TV cameras in his luxury home in the States invited the senior pulse in the form of a live Moraeus.

But who is Moraeus? Parnevik family seems in any case have eye on the gaming TV host. Mrs. Mia Parnevik pronounce his surname as type “Murreus” and the children guess he been in the “Idol”. Though they have on the other hand not much better track of the other guest, blog star Rebecca Stella.

– She looks like a porn star, says one daughter when she sees a picture of Rebecca.

Why not cut out the scurrilous replica is unclear. Possibly because it will be a little “good television”, as they say in those circles. For “Parneviks” is not particularly good television. Little silly. But above all, boring. I have in any case very difficult to understand why launching the full program that Jesper saw down some branches from a palm tree. And then follow with Moraeus up the room and be there when he unpacks the suitcase. Admittedly says Kalle some fun things about her cat Benny “(a hell of fleshy guy”), but the risk is that as viewers fall asleep. Yes it is almost as if one becomes more enlivened during commercial breaks.

READ MORE: Therefore folded Rebecca Stella out

And it does not get funnier by the mandatory golf lesson. Or Kalle cooking for that matter. I hunt admittedly me up a little when I see how Parneviks tear the old house to build a new one. Feels unnecessary and environmentally stupid.

But mostly I sit in this mountainous North and is jealous. On it there chill out life on the beach as God felt sore all the extra things for.

It is best when talks lands in reality. Like when Rebecca tells of growing up in an often absent father. Or when Donald testify how hard it is to live a single life after two decades of togetherness.

READ MORE: Moraeus about the divorce


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