Friday, August 22, 2014

Ola-Conny’s hand stain apart – by watchdog – Aftonbladet

Ola-Conny Wallgren was attacked by a guard dog.

television profile be after losing his hand in the accident.

– The only stabbed, slashed and stabbed, said Ola-Conny.

It was on Thursday that the Ola-Conny Wallgren , 50, bowed his down to feed his dog Buddy.

“Ullared ‘profile would only stretch up some treats to the dog when it attacked.

– Just as I was under the nose so just stabbed me. It went on a millisecond, he says.

Watchdog, as Ola-Conny think is the Japanese breed Akita, biting repeatedly in his hand and arm.

“The hand hung solved “

– Half the palm was divided, it was like someone slashed with a knife by hand half. It hung loosely. It was bleeding pretty damn much and did lot of pain, he says.

Ola-Conny managed to push the dog away with the other hand. Since he was taken by ambulance to Varberg Hospital where he underwent surgery late on Thursday evening and plaster was.

– It was very dramatic, I got a drip and morphine. I panicked because I thought I would get rid of the hand. I was really sad and I thought I would lose my fingers, he says.

“Should be fine”

Ola-Conny’s dog friend and have a dog myself.

– Akitas’s one-man dogs really. I respected that I would not touch him, but he was looking to me. He was nice and go, I had command over the dog, but then just stabbed me.

The dog, who was a year old, has now killed.

Ola-Conny is hopeful in the future.

– I’ll be good again, I can move your fingers. It feels good.

Ola-Conny is in the new program “Strong Norway History with Morgan and Ola-Conny” which airs on Mondays at 20:00 in Channel 5th


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